*26th ed. Nestles, Allen Text, American Bible Society; New York **Gramcord Institute, 2218 NE Brookview Dr,; Vancouver WA 98686 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 1 T/ord ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 1 etos 2094 neu ---- dat s noun--- years 2 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 3 pevtekaidekato4003 neu adj dat s ------- fifteenth 4 o 3588 fem artl gen s ------- the 5 ngemovia 2231 fem ---- gen s noun--- government 6 tiberios 5086 mas ---- gen s noun--- Tiberius 7 kaisar 2541 mas ---- gen s noun--- Caesar 8 ngemoveuw 2230 pres act gen s mas-Ptc was governor 9 povtios 4194 mas ---- gen s noun--- Pontius 10 pilatos 4091 mas ---- gen s noun--- Pilate 11 o 3588 fem artl gen s ------- the 12 ioudaia 2449 fem ---- gen s noun--- Judea 13 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 14 tetrarcew 5075 pres act gen s mas-Ptc tetrarch 15 o 3588 fem artl gen s ------- the 16 galilaia 1056 fem ---- gen s noun--- Galilee 17 nrwdns 2264 mas ---- gen s noun--- Herod 18 filippos 5376 mas ---- gen s noun--- Philip 19 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 20 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 21 adelfos 0080 mas ---- gen s noun--- brother 22 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 23 tetrarcew 5075 pres act gen s mas-Ptc tetrarch 24 o 3588 fem artl gen s ------- the 25 itouraios 2484 fem ---- gen s noun--- Iturea 26 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 27 tracwvitis 5139 fem ---- gen s noun--- Trachonitis 28 cwra 5561 fem ---- gen s noun--- country 29 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 30 lusavias 3078 mas ---- gen s noun--- Lysanias 31 o 3588 fem artl gen s ------- the 32 abilnvn 0009 fem ---- gen s noun--- Abilene 33 tetrarcew 5075 pres act gen s mas-Ptc tetrarch 34 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 2 T/ord epi 1909 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- upon 1 arciereus 0749 mas ---- gen s noun--- high priest 2 avvas 0452 mas ---- gen s noun--- Annas 3 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 4 kaiafas 2533 mas ---- gen s noun--- Caiaphas 5 givomai 1096 aor mid ind 3s ---verb to become, take, place, exist 6 rnma 4487 neu ---- nom s noun--- specific word 7 qeos 2316 mas ---- gen s noun--- God 8 epi 1909 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- upon 9 iwavvns 2491 mas ---- acc s noun--- John 10 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 11 zacarias 2197 mas ---- gen s noun--- Zacharias 12 uios 5207 mas ---- acc s noun--- son 13 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 14 o 3588 fem artl dat s ------- the 15 ernmos 2048 fem ---- dat s noun--- solitary place 16 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 3 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 ercomai 2064 aor act ind 3s ---verb to come 2 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 3 pas 3956 fem adj acc s ------- all, every 4 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 5 pericwros 4066 fem ---- acc s noun--- country around 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 iordavns 2446 mas ---- gen s noun--- Jordan 8 knrussw 2784 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to preach 9 baptisma 0908 neu ---- acc s noun--- dip 10 metavoia 3341 fem ---- gen s noun--- repentance 11 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 12 afesis 0859 fem ---- acc s noun--- deliverance 13 amartia 0266 fem ---- gen p noun--- sin 14 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 4 T/ord ws 5613 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- as 1 grafw 1125 perf pas ind 3s ---verb to write 2 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 3 biblos 0976 fem ---- dat s noun--- book 4 logos 3056 mas ---- gen p noun--- word 5 nsaias 2268 mas ---- gen s noun--- Esaias 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 profntns 4396 mas ---- gen s noun--- prophet 8 fwvn 5456 fem ---- nom s noun--- voice 9 boaw 0994 pres act gen s mas-Ptc cry 10 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 11 o 3588 fem artl dat s ------- the 12 ernmos 2048 fem ---- dat s noun--- solitary place 13 etoimazw 2090 aor act imp 2p ---verb I am making ready 14 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 15 odos 3598 fem ---- acc s noun--- journey 16 kurios 2962 mas ---- gen s noun--- Lord 17 euqus 2117 fem adj acc p ------- straight 18 poiew 4160 pres act imp 2p ---verb to do 19 o 3588 fem artl acc p ------- the 20 tribos 5147 fem ---- acc p noun--- path 21 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 22 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 5 T/ord pas 3956 fem adj nom s ------- all, every 1 faragx 5327 fem ---- nom s noun--- valley 2 plnrow 4137 fut pas ind 3s ---verb I am fulfilling 3 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 4 pas 3956 neu adj nom s ------- all, every 5 oros 3735 neu ---- nom s noun--- mountain 6 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 7 bouvos 1015 mas ---- nom s noun--- hill 8 tapeivow 5013 fut pas ind 3s ---verb humble 9 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 10 eimi 1510 fut mid ind 3s ---verb to be/endure 11 o 3588 neu artl nom p ------- the 12 skolios 4646 neu adj nom p ------- crooked 13 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 14 euqus 2117 fem adj acc s ------- straight 15 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 16 o 3588 fem artl nom p ------- the 17 tracus 5138 fem adj nom p ------- rough 18 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 19 odos 3598 fem ---- acc p noun--- journey 20 leios 3006 fem adj acc p ------- crooked 21 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 6 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 oraw 3708 fut mid ind 3s ---verb to behold 2 pas 3956 fem adj nom s ------- all, every 3 sarx 4561 fem ---- nom s noun--- flesh 4 o 3588 neu artl acc s ------- the 5 swtnriov 4992 neu ---- acc s noun--- salvation 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 qeos 2316 mas ---- gen s noun--- God 8 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 7 T/ord legw 3004 imp act ind 3s ---verb to say 1 ouv 3767 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- then 2 o 3588 mas artl dat p ------- the 3 ekporeuomai 1607 pres mid dat p mas-Ptc depart 4 oclos 3793 mas ---- dat p noun--- crowds 5 baptizw 0907 aor pas --- -- ---infn dip 6 upo 5259 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- under 7 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 8 gevnma 1081 neu ---- voc p noun--- generation 9 ecidva 2191 fem ---- gen p noun--- vipers 10 ti's 5101 mas ---- nom s pronoun who 11 upodeikvumi 5263 aor act ind 3s ---verb forewarn 12 su 4771 ---- ---- dat p pronoun you 13 feugw 5343 aor act --- -- ---infn I am fleeing 14 apo 0575 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- from 15 o 3588 fem artl gen s ------- the 16 mellw 3195 pres act gen s fem-Ptc to come 17 orgn 3709 fem ---- gen s noun--- wrath 18 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 8 T/ord poiew 4160 aor act imp 2p ---verb to do 1 ouv 3767 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- then 2 karpos 2590 mas ---- acc p noun--- fruit 3 axios 0514 mas adj acc p ------- worthy 4 o 3588 fem artl gen s ------- the 5 metavoia 3341 fem ---- gen s noun--- repentance 6 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 7 mn 3361 ---- part --- -- ------- may not 8 arcw 0757 aor mid sub 2p ---verb I am being first 9 legw 3004 pres act --- -- ---infn to say 10 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 11 eautou 1438 mas ---- dat p pronoun himself 12 patnr 3962 mas ---- acc s noun--- father 13 ecw 2192 pres act ind 1p ---verb to have 14 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 15 abraam 0011 mas ---- acc s noun--- Abraham 16 legw 3004 pres act ind 1s ---verb to say 17 gar 1063 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- for 18 su 4771 ---- ---- dat p pronoun you 19 oti 3754 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- because that 20 duvamai 1410 pres pas ind 3s ---verb to be able 21 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 22 qeos 2316 mas ---- nom s noun--- God 23 ek 1537 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- out of 24 o 3588 mas artl gen p ------- the 25 liqos 3037 mas ---- gen p noun--- stone 26 outos 3778 mas ---- gen p pronoun this 27 egeirw 1453 aor act --- -- ---infn to raise 28 tekvov 5043 neu ---- acc p noun--- mature child 29 o 3588 mas artl dat s ------- the 30 abraam 0011 mas ---- dat s noun--- Abraham 31 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 9 T/ord ndn 2235 ---- adv --- -- ------- even now 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 2 kai 2532 ---- adv --- -- ------- and 3 o 3588 fem artl nom s ------- the 4 axivn 0513 fem ---- nom s noun--- ax 5 pros 4314 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- toward 6 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 7 riza 4491 fem ---- acc s noun--- root 8 o 3588 neu artl gen p ------- the 9 devdrov 1186 neu ---- gen p noun--- tree 10 keimai 2749 pres mid ind 3s ---verb laid 11 pas 3956 neu adj nom s ------- all, every 12 ouv 3767 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- then 13 devdrov 1186 neu ---- nom s noun--- tree 14 mn 3361 ---- part --- -- ------- may not 15 poiew 4160 pres act nom s neu-Ptc to do 16 karpos 2590 mas ---- acc s noun--- fruit 17 kalos 2570 mas adj acc s ------- good 18 ekkoptw 1581 pres pas ind 3s ---verb be cut off 19 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 20 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 21 pur 4442 neu ---- acc s noun--- fire 22 ballw 0906 pres pas ind 3s ---verb to cast 23 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 10 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 eperwtaw 1905 imp act ind 3p ---verb question 2 autos 0846 mas ---- acc s pronoun he/they 3 o 3588 mas artl nom p ------- the 4 oclos 3793 mas ---- nom p noun--- crowds 5 legw 3004 pres act nom p mas-Ptc to say 6 ti's 5101 neu ---- acc s pronoun who 7 ouv 3767 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- then 8 poiew 4160 aor act sub 1p ---verb to do 9 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 11 T/ord apokrivomai 0611 aor pas nom s mas-Ptc to answer 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 2 legw 3004 imp act ind 3s ---verb to say 3 autos 0846 mas ---- dat p pronoun he/they 4 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 5 ecw 2192 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to have 6 duo 1417 mas adj acc p ------- two 7 citwv 5509 mas ---- acc p noun--- garment 8 metadidwmi 3330 aor act imp 3s ---verb impart 9 o 3588 mas artl dat s ------- the 10 mn 3361 ---- part --- -- ------- may not 11 ecw 2192 pres act dat s mas-Ptc to have 12 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 13 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 14 ecw 2192 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to have 15 brwma 1033 neu ---- acc p noun--- meat 16 omoiws 3668 ---- adv --- -- ------- likewise 17 poiew 4160 pres act imp 3s ---verb to do 18 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 12 T/ord ercomai 2064 aor act ind 3p ---verb to come 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 2 kai 2532 ---- adv --- -- ------- and 3 telwvns 5057 mas ---- nom p noun--- publican 4 baptizw 0907 aor pas --- -- ---infn dip 5 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 6 rew 4483 aor act ind 3p ---verb to say 7 pros 4314 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- toward 8 autos 0846 mas ---- acc s pronoun he/they 9 didaskalos 1320 mas ---- voc s noun--- teacher 10 ti's 5101 neu ---- acc s pronoun who 11 poiew 4160 aor act sub 1p ---verb to do 12 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 13 T/ord o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 2 rew 4483 aor act ind 3s ---verb to say 3 pros 4314 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- toward 4 autos 0846 mas ---- acc p pronoun he/they 5 mndeis 3367 neu adj acc s ------- not even one 6 polus 4183 neu adj acc s ------- much/many 7 para 3844 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- gen.from;dat.before;ac.beside 8 o 3588 neu artl acc s ------- the 9 diatassw 1299 perf pas acc s neu-Ptc appointed 10 su 4771 ---- ---- dat p pronoun you 11 prassw 4238 pres act imp 2p ---verb practice 12 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 14 T/ord eperwtaw 1905 imp act ind 3p ---verb question 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 2 autos 0846 mas ---- acc s pronoun he/they 3 kai 2532 ---- adv --- -- ------- and 4 strateuw 4754 pres mid nom p mas-Ptc to campain 5 legw 3004 pres act nom p mas-Ptc to say 6 ti's 5101 neu ---- acc s pronoun who 7 poiew 4160 aor act sub 1p ---verb to do 8 kai 2532 ---- adv --- -- ------- and 9 egw 1473 ---- ---- nom p pronoun I 10 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 11 rew 4483 aor act ind 3s ---verb to say 12 autos 0846 mas ---- dat p pronoun he/they 13 mndeis 3367 mas adj acc s ------- not even one 14 diaseiw 1286 aor act sub 2p ---verb oppress 15 mnde 3366 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- neither 16 sukofavtew 4811 aor act sub 2p ---verb accuse falsely 17 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 18 arkew 0714 pres pas imp 2p ---verb I am being content 19 o 3588 neu artl dat p ------- the 20 oywviov 3800 neu ---- dat p noun--- wage 21 su 4771 ---- ---- gen p pronoun you 22 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 15 T/ord prosdokaw 4328 pres act gen s mas-Ptc expecting 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 laos 2992 mas ---- gen s noun--- people 4 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 5 dialogizomai 1260 pres mid gen p mas-Ptc reason 6 pas 3956 mas adj gen p ------- all, every 7 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 8 o 3588 fem artl dat p ------- the 9 kardia 2588 fem ---- dat p noun--- heart 10 autos 0846 mas ---- gen p pronoun he/they 11 peri 4012 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- concerning 12 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 13 iwavvns 2491 mas ---- gen s noun--- John 14 mnpote 3379 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- lest at any time 15 autos 0846 mas ---- nom s pronoun he/they 16 eimi 1510 pres act opt 3s ---verb to be/endure 17 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 18 cristos 5547 mas ---- nom s noun--- Christ 19 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 16 T/ord apokrivomai 0611 aor mid ind 3s ---verb to answer 1 legw 3004 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to say 2 pas 3956 mas adj dat p ------- all, every 3 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 4 iwavvns 2491 mas ---- nom s noun--- John 5 egw 1473 ---- ---- nom s pronoun I 6 mev 3303 ---- part --- -- ------- truly 7 udwr 5204 neu ---- dat s noun--- water 8 baptizw 0907 pres act ind 1s ---verb dip 9 su 4771 ---- ---- acc p pronoun you 10 ercomai 2064 pres mid ind 3s ---verb to come 11 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 12 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 13 iscuros 2478 mas adj nom s ------- powerful 14 egw 1473 ---- ---- gen s pronoun I 15 os 3739 mas ---- gen s pronoun which 16 ou 3756 ---- part --- -- ------- not 17 eimi 1510 pres act ind 1s ---verb to be/endure 18 ikavos 2425 mas adj nom s ------- fit 19 luw 3089 aor act --- -- ---infn loosen 20 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 21 imas 2438 mas ---- acc s noun--- latchet 22 o 3588 neu artl gen p ------- the 23 upodnma 5266 neu ---- gen p noun--- shoe 24 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 25 autos 0846 mas ---- nom s pronoun he/they 26 su 4771 ---- ---- acc p pronoun you 27 baptizw 0907 fut act ind 3s ---verb dip 28 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 29 pveuma 4151 neu ---- dat s noun--- spirit 30 agios 0040 neu adj dat s ------- holy one 31 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 32 pur 4442 neu ---- dat s noun--- fire 33 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 17 T/ord os 3739 mas ---- gen s pronoun which 1 o 3588 neu artl nom s ------- the 2 ptuov 4425 neu ---- nom s noun--- winnowing fan 3 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 4 o 3588 fem artl dat s ------- the 5 ceir 5495 fem ---- dat s noun--- hand 6 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 7 diakaqarizw 1245 aor act --- -- ---infn purge thoroughly 8 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 9 alwv 0257 fem ---- acc s noun--- floor 10 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 11 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 12 suvagw 4863 aor act --- -- ---infn to gather 13 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 14 sitos 4621 mas ---- acc s noun--- wheat 15 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 16 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 17 apoqnkn 0596 fem ---- acc s noun--- barn 18 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 19 o 3588 neu artl acc s ------- the 20 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 21 acurov 0892 neu ---- acc s noun--- chaff 22 katakaiw 2618 fut act ind 3s ---verb burn 23 pur 4442 neu ---- dat s noun--- fire 24 asbestos 0762 neu adj dat s ------- unquenchable 25 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 18 T/ord polus 4183 neu adj acc p ------- much/many 1 mev 3303 ---- part --- -- ------- truly 2 ouv 3767 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- then 3 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 4 eteros 2087 neu ---- acc p pronoun strange 5 parakalew 3870 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to exhort 6 euaggelizw 2097 imp mid ind 3s ---verb to bring glad tidings 7 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 8 laos 2992 mas ---- acc s noun--- people 9 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 19 T/ord o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 2 nrwdns 2264 mas ---- nom s noun--- Herod 3 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 4 tetrarcns 5076 mas ---- nom s noun--- tetrarch 5 elegcw 1651 pres pas nom s mas-Ptc reprove 6 upo 5259 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- under 7 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 8 peri 4012 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- concerning 9 nrwdias 2266 fem ---- gen s noun--- Herodias 10 o 3588 fem artl gen s ------- the 11 guvn 1135 fem ---- gen s noun--- woman 12 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 13 adelfos 0080 mas ---- gen s noun--- brother 14 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 15 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 16 peri 4012 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- concerning 17 pas 3956 neu adj gen p ------- all, every 18 os 3739 neu ---- gen p pronoun which 19 poiew 4160 aor act ind 3s ---verb to do 20 povnros 4190 neu adj gen p ------- wicked 21 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 22 nrwdns 2264 mas ---- nom s noun--- Herod 23 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 20 T/ord prostiqnmi 4369 aor act ind 3s ---verb I am adding 1 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 2 outos 3778 neu ---- acc s pronoun this 3 epi 1909 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- upon 4 pas 3956 neu adj dat p ------- all, every 5 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 6 katakleiw 2623 aor act ind 3s ---verb shut up 7 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 8 iwavvns 2491 mas ---- acc s noun--- John 9 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 10 fulakn 5438 fem ---- dat s noun--- ward 11 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 21 T/ord givomai 1096 aor mid ind 3s ---verb to become, take, place, exist 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but/also 2 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 3 o 3588 neu artl dat s ------- the 4 baptizw 0907 aor pas --- -- ---infn dip 5 apas 0537 mas adj acc s ------- all things 6 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 7 laos 2992 mas ---- acc s noun--- people 8 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 9 insous 2424 mas ---- gen s noun--- Jesus 10 baptizw 0907 aor pas gen s mas-Ptc dip 11 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 12 proseucomai 4336 pres mid gen s mas-Ptc make prayer 13 avoigw 0455 aor pas --- -- ---infn to open 14 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 15 ouravos 3772 mas ---- acc s noun--- heaven 16 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 22 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 katabaivw 2597 aor act --- -- ---infn come down 2 o 3588 neu artl acc s ------- the 3 pveuma 4151 neu ---- acc s noun--- spirit 4 o 3588 neu artl acc s ------- the 5 agios 0040 neu adj acc s ------- holy one 6 swmatikos 4984 neu adj dat s ------- bodily 7 eidos 1491 neu ---- dat s noun--- appearance 8 ws 5613 ---- part --- -- ------- as 9 peristera 4058 fem ---- acc s noun--- dove 10 epi 1909 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- upon 11 autos 0846 mas ---- acc s pronoun he/they 12 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 13 fwvn 5456 fem ---- acc s noun--- voice 14 ek 1537 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- out of 15 ouravos 3772 mas ---- gen s noun--- heaven 16 givomai 1096 aor mid --- -- ---infn to become, take, place, exist17 su 4771 ---- ---- nom s pronoun you 18 eimi 1510 pres act ind 2s ---verb to be/endure 19 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 20 uios 5207 mas ---- nom s noun--- son 21 egw 1473 ---- ---- gen s pronoun I 22 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 23 agapntos 0027 mas adj nom s ------- beloved 24 ev 1722 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- in 25 su 4771 ---- ---- dat s pronoun you 26 eudokew 2106 aor act ind 1s ---verb I am being well pleased 27 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 23 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 autos 0846 mas ---- nom s pronoun he/they 2 eimi 1510 imp act ind 3s ---verb to be/endure 3 insous 2424 mas ---- nom s noun--- Jesus 4 arcw 0757 pres mid nom s mas-Ptc I am being first 5 wsei 5616 ---- part --- -- ------- as it were 6 etos 2094 neu ---- gen p noun--- years 7 triakovta 5144 neu adj gen p ------- thirty 8 eimi 1510 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to be/endure 9 uios 5207 mas ---- nom s noun--- son 10 ws 5613 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- as 11 vomizw 3543 imp pas ind 3s ---verb supposing 12 iwsnf 2501 mas ---- gen s noun--- Joseph 13 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 14 nli 2242 mas ---- gen s noun--- Eli 15 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 24 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 maqqat 3158 mas ---- gen s noun--- Matthat 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 leui 3018 mas ---- gen s noun--- Levi 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 melci 3197 mas ---- gen s noun--- Melchi 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 iavvai 2388 mas ---- gen s noun--- Janna 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 iwsnf 2501 mas ---- gen s noun--- Joseph 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 25 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 mattaqias 3161 mas ---- gen s noun--- Mattathias 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 amws 0301 mas ---- gen s noun--- Amos 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 vaoum 3486 mas ---- gen s noun--- Naoum 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 esli 2069 mas ---- gen s noun--- Esli 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 vaggai 3477 mas ---- gen s noun--- Naggai 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 26 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 maaq 3092 mas ---- gen s noun--- Maath 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 mattaqias 3161 mas ---- gen s noun--- Mattathias 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 semeiv 4584 mas ---- gen s noun--- Semei 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 iwsnf 2501 mas ---- gen s noun--- Joseph 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 ioudas 2455 mas ---- gen s noun--- Judas 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 27 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 iwavva 2490 mas ---- gen s noun--- Joannes 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 rnsa 4488 mas ---- gen s noun--- Rhesa 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 zorobabel 2216 mas ---- gen s noun--- Zorobabel 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 salaqinl 4528 mas ---- gen s noun--- Salathiel 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 vnri 3518 mas ---- gen s noun--- Neri 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 28 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 melci 3197 mas ---- gen s noun--- Melchi 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 addi 0078 mas ---- gen s noun--- Addi 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 kwsam 2973 mas ---- gen s noun--- Cosam 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 elmadam 1678 mas ---- gen s noun--- Elmodam 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 nr 2262 mas ---- gen s noun--- Er 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 29 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 insous 2424 mas ---- gen s noun--- Jesus 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 eliezer 1663 mas ---- gen s noun--- Elieaer 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 iwrim 2497 mas ---- gen s noun--- Joreim 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 maqqat 3158 mas ---- gen s noun--- Matthat 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 leui 3018 mas ---- gen s noun--- Levi 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 30 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 sumewv 4826 mas ---- gen s noun--- Simeon 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 ioudas 2455 mas ---- gen s noun--- Judas 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 iwsnf 2501 mas ---- gen s noun--- Joseph 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 iwvam 2494 mas ---- gen s noun--- Jonan 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 eliakim 1662 mas ---- gen s noun--- Eliakim 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 31 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 melea 3190 mas ---- gen s noun--- Meleas 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 mevva 3104 mas ---- gen s noun--- Menna 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 mattaqa 3160 mas ---- gen s noun--- Mattatha 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 vaqam 3481 mas ---- gen s noun--- Nathan 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 dauid 1138 mas ---- gen s noun--- David 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 32 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 iessai 2421 mas ---- gen s noun--- Jesse 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 wbnd 5601 mas ---- gen s noun--- Obed 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 boes 1003 mas ---- gen s noun--- Booz 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 sala 4527 mas ---- gen s noun--- Sala 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 vaasswv 3476 mas ---- gen s noun--- Naasson 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 33 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 amivadab 0284 mas ---- gen s noun--- Aminadab 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 aram 0689 mas ---- gen s noun--- Aram 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 esrwm 2074 mas ---- gen s noun--- Esrom 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 fares 5329 mas ---- gen s noun--- Phares 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 ioudas 2455 mas ---- gen s noun--- Judas 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 34 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 iakwb 2384 mas ---- gen s noun--- Jacob 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 isaak 2464 mas ---- gen s noun--- Isaac 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 abraam 0011 mas ---- gen s noun--- Abraham 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 qara 2291 mas ---- gen s noun--- Terah 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 vacwr 3493 mas ---- gen s noun--- Nachor 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 35 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 serouc 4562 mas ---- gen s noun--- Saruch 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 ragau 4466 mas ---- gen s noun--- Ragau 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 falek 5317 mas ---- gen s noun--- Phalek 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 eber 1443 mas ---- gen s noun--- Eber 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 sala 4527 mas ---- gen s noun--- Sala 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 36 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 viveuitns 3536 mas ---- gen s noun--- Ninevites 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 arfaxad 0742 mas ---- gen s noun--- Arphaxad 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 snm 4590 mas ---- gen s noun--- Sem 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 vwe 3575 mas ---- gen s noun--- Noah 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 lamec 2984 mas ---- gen s noun--- Lamech 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 37 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 maqousala 3103 mas ---- gen s noun--- Mathusala 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 evwc 1802 mas ---- gen s noun--- Enoch 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 iaret 2391 mas ---- gen s noun--- Jared 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 malelenl 3121 mas ---- gen s noun--- Maleleel 8 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 9 viveuitns 3536 mas ---- gen s noun--- Ninevites 10 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of LUK 3: 38 T/ord o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 1 evws 1800 mas ---- gen s noun--- Enos 2 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 3 snq 4589 mas ---- gen s noun--- Seth 4 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 5 adam 0076 mas ---- gen s noun--- Adam 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 qeos 2316 mas ---- gen s noun--- God 8