*26th ed. Nestles, Allen Text, American Bible Society; New York **Gramcord Institute, 2218 NE Brookview Dr,; Vancouver WA 98686 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 1 T/ord tote 5119 ---- adv --- -- ------- that time 1 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 2 insous 2424 mas ---- nom s noun--- Jesus 3 avagw 0321 aor pas ind 3s ---verb I am going again 4 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 5 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 6 ernmos 2048 fem ---- acc s noun--- solitary place 7 upo 5259 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- under 8 o 3588 neu artl gen s ------- the 9 pveuma 4151 neu ---- gen s noun--- spirit 10 peirazw 3985 aor pas --- -- ---infn to test 11 upo 5259 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- under 12 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 13 diabolos 1228 mas ---- gen s noun--- false accuser (devil) 14 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 2 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 vnsteuw 3522 aor act nom s mas-Ptc fast 2 nmera 2250 fem ---- acc p noun--- day 3 tesserakovta 5062 fem adj acc p ------- forty 4 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 5 vux 3571 fem ---- acc p noun--- night 6 tesserakovta 5062 fem adj acc p ------- forty 7 usterov 5305 ---- adv --- -- ------- afterward 8 peivaw 3983 aor act ind 3s ---verb be hungry 9 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 3 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 prosercomai 4334 aor act nom s mas-Ptc coming up 2 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 3 peirazw 3985 pres act nom s mas-Ptc to test 4 rew 4483 aor act ind 3s ---verb to say 5 autos 0846 mas ---- dat s pronoun he/they 6 ei 1487 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- if 7 uios 5207 mas ---- nom s noun--- son 8 eimi 1510 pres act ind 2s ---verb be 9 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 10 qeos 2316 mas ---- gen s noun--- God 11 rew 4483 aor act imp 2s ---verb to say 12 iva 2443 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- in order that 13 o 3588 mas artl nom p ------- the 14 liqos 3037 mas ---- nom p noun--- stone 15 outos 3778 mas ---- nom p pronoun this 16 artos 0740 mas ---- nom p noun--- bread 17 givomai 1096 aor mid sub 3p ---verb to become, take, place, exist18 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 4 T/ord o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 1 de 1161 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but 2 apokrivomai 0611 aor pas nom s mas-Ptc to answer 3 rew 4483 aor act ind 3s ---verb to say 4 grafw 1125 perf pas ind 3s ---verb to write 5 ou 3756 ---- part --- -- ------- not 6 epi 1909 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- upon 7 artos 0740 mas ---- dat s noun--- bread 8 movos 3441 mas adj dat s ------- only 9 zaw 2198 fut mid ind 3s ---verb to live 10 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 11 avqrwpos 0444 mas ---- nom s noun--- man 12 alla 0235 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- but 13 epi 1909 ---- ---- dat -- prep--- upon 14 pas 3956 neu adj dat s ------- *every 15 rnma 4487 neu ---- dat s noun--- specific word 16 ekporeuomai 1607 pres mid dat s neu-Ptc *departing 17 dia 1223 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- through 18 stoma 4750 neu ---- gen s noun--- mouth 19 qeos 2316 mas ---- gen s noun--- *of God 20 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 5 T/ord tote 5119 ---- adv --- -- ------- that time 1 paralambavw 3880 pres act ind 3s ---verb receive beside 2 autos 0846 mas ---- acc s pronoun he/they 3 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 4 diabolos 1228 mas ---- nom s noun--- false accuser (devil) 5 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 6 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 7 agios 0040 fem adj acc s ------- holy one 8 polis 4172 fem ---- acc s noun--- city 9 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 10 istnmi 2476 aor act ind 3s ---verb stand 11 autos 0846 mas ---- acc s pronoun he/they 12 epi 1909 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- upon 13 o 3588 neu artl acc s ------- the 14 pterugiov 4419 neu ---- acc s noun--- edge 15 o 3588 neu artl gen s ------- the 16 ierov 2411 neu ---- gen s noun--- temple 17 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 6 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 legw 3004 pres act ind 3s ---verb to say 2 autos 0846 mas ---- dat s pronoun he/they 3 ei 1487 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- if 4 uios 5207 mas ---- nom s noun--- son 5 eimi 1510 pres act ind 2s ---verb be 6 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 7 qeos 2316 mas ---- gen s noun--- God 8 ballw 0906 aor act imp 2s ---verb to cast 9 seautou 4572 mas ---- acc s pronoun thyself 10 katw 2736 ---- adv --- -- ------- down 11 grafw 1125 perf pas ind 3s ---verb to write 12 gar 1063 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- for 13 oti 3754 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- that 14 o 3588 mas artl dat p ------- the 15 aggelos 0032 mas ---- dat p noun--- angel 16 autos 0846 mas ---- gen s pronoun he/they 17 evtellomai 1781 fut mid ind 3s ---verb command 18 peri 4012 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- concerning 19 su 4771 ---- ---- gen s pronoun you 20 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 21 epi 1909 ---- ---- gen -- prep--- upon 22 ceir 5495 fem ---- gen p noun--- hand 23 airw 0142 fut act ind 3p ---verb to take up 24 su 4771 ---- ---- acc s pronoun you 25 mnpote 3379 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- lest at any time 26 proskoptw 4350 aor act sub 2s ---verb stumble 27 pros 4314 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- toward 28 liqos 3037 mas ---- acc s noun--- stone 29 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 30 pous 4228 mas ---- acc s noun--- foot 31 su 4771 ---- ---- gen s pronoun you 32 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 7 T/ord fnmi 5346 imp act ind 3s ---verb affirm 1 autos 0846 mas ---- dat s pronoun he/they 2 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 3 insous 2424 mas ---- nom s noun--- Jesus 4 paliv 3825 ---- adv --- -- ------- again 5 grafw 1125 perf pas ind 3s ---verb to write 6 ou 3756 ---- part --- -- ------- not 7 ekpeirazw 1598 fut act ind 2s ---verb tempt 8 kurios 2962 mas ---- acc s noun--- Lord 9 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 10 qeos 2316 mas ---- acc s noun--- God 11 su 4771 ---- ---- gen s pronoun you 12 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 8 T/ord paliv 3825 ---- adv --- -- ------- again 1 paralambavw 3880 pres act ind 3s ---verb receive beside 2 autos 0846 mas ---- acc s pronoun he/they 3 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 4 diabolos 1228 mas ---- nom s noun--- false accuser (devil) 5 eis 1519 ---- ---- acc -- prep--- unto 6 oros 3735 neu ---- acc s noun--- mountain 7 uynlos 5308 neu adj acc s ------- high 8 liav 3029 ---- adv --- -- ------- exceeding 9 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 10 deikvumi 1166 pres act ind 3s ---verb cause to be seen 11 autos 0846 mas ---- dat s pronoun he/they 12 pas 3956 fem adj acc p ------- all, every 13 o 3588 fem artl acc p ------- the 14 basileia 0932 fem ---- acc p noun--- kingdom 15 o 3588 mas artl gen s ------- the 16 kosmos 2889 mas ---- gen s noun--- world 17 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 18 o 3588 fem artl acc s ------- the 19 doxa 1391 fem ---- acc s noun--- glory 20 autos 0846 fem ---- gen p pronoun he/they 21 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 9 T/ord kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 1 rew 4483 aor act ind 3s ---verb to say 2 autos 0846 mas ---- dat s pronoun he/they 3 outos 3778 neu ---- acc p pronoun this 4 su 4771 ---- ---- dat s pronoun you 5 pas 3956 neu adj acc p ------- all, every 6 didwmi 1325 fut act ind 1s ---verb to give 7 eav 1437 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- except 8 piptw 4098 aor act nom s mas-Ptc to fall 9 proskuvew 4352 aor act sub 2s ---verb will worship 10 egw 1473 ---- ---- dat s pronoun I 11 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 10 T/ord tote 5119 ---- adv --- -- ------- that time 1 legw 3004 pres act ind 3s ---verb to say 2 autos 0846 mas ---- dat s pronoun he/they 3 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 4 insous 2424 mas ---- nom s noun--- Jesus 5 upagw 5217 pres act imp 2s ---verb I am departing 6 satavas 4567 mas ---- voc s noun--- Satan 7 grafw 1125 perf pas ind 3s ---verb to write 8 gar 1063 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- for 9 kurios 2962 mas ---- acc s noun--- Lord 10 o 3588 mas artl acc s ------- the 11 qeos 2316 mas ---- acc s noun--- God 12 su 4771 ---- ---- gen s pronoun you 13 proskuvew 4352 fut act ind 2s ---verb will worship 14 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 15 autos 0846 mas ---- dat s pronoun he/they 16 movos 3441 mas adj dat s ------- only 17 latreuw 3000 fut act ind 2s ---verb I am offering service 18 *Greek ConC/Wrd==**Parsing ============ ==== Trans. of MAT 4: 11 T/ord tote 5119 ---- adv --- -- ------- that time 1 afinmi 0863 pres act ind 3s ---verb I am being delivered 2 autos 0846 mas ---- acc s pronoun he/they 3 o 3588 mas artl nom s ------- the 4 diabolos 1228 mas ---- nom s noun--- false accuser (devil) 5 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 6 oida 1492 ---- ---- --- -- pronoun to see 7 aggelos 0032 mas ---- nom p noun--- angel 8 prosercomai 4334 aor act ind 3p ---verb coming up 9 kai 2532 ---- ---- --- -- conj--- and 10 diakovew 1247 imp act ind 3p ---verb doing service 11 autos 0846 mas ---- dat s pronoun he/they 12