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White\b\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\fs24 THE LAST DAYS\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 We are living in the last days. \cf1\ul Mat_24:5-7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote For many shall come in my name, saying, \b I am Christ\b0 ; and shall deceive many.\i 6. \i0 And \b ye shall hear of wars\b0 and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all \i these things \i0 must come to pass, but the end is not yet.\i 7. \i0 For \b nation\b0 shall rise \b against nation\b0 , and \b kingdom against kingdom\b0 : and there shall be \b famines\b0 , and \b pestilences\b0 , and \b earthquakes\b0 , in divers places.\rdblquote As we see the end of this age coming to a close and the Lord\rquote s coming is at hand, we need to \cf1\ul Mar_13:33\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote Take ye heed, \b watch and pray: \b0 for ye know not when the time is.\rdblquote As it was in the days of Noah and Lot so shall it be at the end of this age. \cf1\ul Luk_17:28-29\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Likewise \b also as it was in the days of Lot\b0 ; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;\i 29. \i0 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed \i them \i0 all.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Mat_24:37-38\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote\b But as the days of Noe\b0 \i were, \i0 so shall also \b\scaps the coming\b0\scaps0 of the Son of man be.\i 38. \i0 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that NLVALoe entered into the ark,\rdblquote\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b DAYS OF NOAH AND LOT\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\caps noah\scaps\caps0 : \cf1\ul\b0\scaps0 Gen_6:5\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... the \b wickedness\b0 of man \i was \b\i0 great\b0 in the earth, ...\i \i0 every\b imagination\b0 of the thoughts of his heart \i was \i0 only \b evil continually\b0 .\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gen_6:11\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote The earth also was \b corrupt\b0 before God, and the earth was \b filled with violence\b0 .\rdblquote \par \b\caps lot\caps0 : \cf1\ul\b0 Gen_13:13\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But the \b men of Sodom\b0 \i were \i0 wicked and \b sinners before the LORD exceedingly\b0 .\rdblquote \b Genesis 18:20 \b0 \ldblquote And the LORD said, Because the cry of\b Sodom and Gomorrah\b0 is great, and because \b their sin is very grievous\b0 .\rdblquote The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah is described in more detail in\b \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_2:10\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote But chiefly them that \b walk\b0 \b after\b0 the \b flesh\b0 in the \b lust of uncleanness\b0 , and \b despise government \b0 [the authority that has been ordained by God]. \b Presumptuous\b0 [lawlessness] \i are they, \b\i0 self-willed\b0 [self-pleasing, i.e. arrogant], they are not \b afraid to speak evil of dignities.\rdblquote \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_2:14\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Having \b eyes full of adultery\b0 , and that \b cannot cease from sin\b0 ; \b beguiling unstable\b0 souls: an heart they have exercised \b with covetous practices\b0 ; cursed children:\rdblquote The men of Sodom and Gomorrah were totally consumed with sexual sins. They were so bold as to seek to have sex with angels. \cf1\ul Jud_1:7-8\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Even as\b Sodom\b0 and \b Gomorrah\b0 , and the cities about them in like manner\b , giving themselves over\b0 to\b fornication\b0 , and going after \b strange flesh \b0 [angels], are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.\i 8.LVAL \i0 Likewise also these\b \i filthy \i0 dreamers\b0 defile the flesh, \b despise dominion\b0 , and \b speak evil of dignities\b0 .\rdblquote \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b TESTIMONY OF LOT\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 Lot is a witness of those who are just but who are not living by faith. Lot\rquote s name is not found in faith\rquote s hall of fame Hebrews 11. \cf1\ul 2Pe_2:7-9\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And delivered\b just\b0 [\f1\fs26 dikaiov\f0\fs24 , just, meet, right]\b Lot\b0 , \b vexed\b0 with the filthy conversation of the wicked:\i 8. \i0 (For that righteous [\ul\f1\fs26 dikaiov\ulnone\f0\fs24 ] man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, \b vexed\b0 \i his \i0 righteous soul from day to day with \i their\b \i0 unlawful\b0 \b deeds\b0 ;)\i 9. \i0 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the \b godly\b0 out of temptations, and to reserve the \b unjust\b0 unto the day of judgment to be punished.\rdblquote \par \b\par \cf1\ul\b0 Gen_12:8\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...he [Abram] \b builded an altar\b0 unto the LORD, and called upon the name of the LORD.\rdblquote\par \cf1\ul Gen_19:1\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...Lot sat in the\b gate\b0 of Sodom...\rdblquote\par \cf1\ul Gen_19:15\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... hastened Lot, ... take thy \b wife\b0 ....\rdblquote \par \cf1\ul Gen_19:30\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And Lot .. \b dwelt in a cave\b0 ....\rdblquote\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\caps just\scaps\caps0 :\b0\scaps0 Zacharias and Elisabeth were \b just\b0 . \cf1\ul Luk_1:6\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And they were both \b righteous\b0 [\ul\f1 dikaiov\ulnone\f0 ] before God, \b walking in all the commandments\b0 and \b ordinances of the Lord blameless\b0 .\rdblquote\b \cf1\ul\b0 Mat_5:41\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.\rdblquote Just Lot was willing to go one mile but not two miles. To be just is to do that which is our duty to do and to beLVAL judged an unprofitable servant willing to do only what is required. \cf1\ul Luk_17:10\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote So likewise ye, when ye shall have \b done all\b0 those things which \b are commanded\b0 you, \b say\b0 , We are \b unprofitable servants\b0 : we have \b done\b0 that which was \b our duty to do\b0 .\rdblquote\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\caps godly\caps0 : \b0 [\ul to revere, adore :\b devout\b0 , religious, worship\ulnone ] An example of a godly man is in \cf1\ul Act_10:1\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote\i A \i0 devout [\ul godly\ulnone ] \i man,\i0 [\ul Cornelius\ulnone ]\i \i0 and one that \b feared God\b0 with all his house, which \b gave much alms\b0 to the people, and \b prayed to God\b0 alway.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Act_10:22\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And they said, Cornelius the centurion, \b a just man\b0 , and one that \b feareth God\b0 ,...\rdblquote \cf1\ul Act_10:4\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...Thy \b prayers \b0 and thine \b alms\b0 are come up for \b a memorial before God\b0 .\rdblquote Contrary to the teaching of many, Cornelius was already a saved man according to \cf1\ul Isa_56:6-7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;\i 7. \i0 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain...\rdblquote\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\caps vexed\scaps\caps0 :\b0 \scaps0 [\ul\f1\fs26 basanizw\f0\fs24 : pain, toil, torment, toss\ulnone ] The sins of Sodom and Gomorrah greatly troubled Lot. \par \b\caps builded an altar\scaps\caps0 :\scaps0 \b0 Lot did not have a witness of building altars or calling upon the Lord. Lot is an example of a me too believer. Initiative in spiritual things was missing.\par \b\caps gate\scaps\caps0 :\scaps0 \b0 Lot was into the\b politics\b0 of the city of Sodom. \cf1\ul Mar_4:19\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And LVALthe \b cares of this world\b0 , and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, \b choke\b0 the word, and it becometh unfruitful.\rdblquote\par \b\caps wife\caps0 :\b0 There is no mention of Lot\rquote s wife until in \cf1\ul Gen_19:15\cf0\ulnone . Apparently \b Lot took his wife\b0 from one of the cities of the plains, possibly Sodom. Abraham made it clear that Isaac was to have a wife from among his own people. \cf1\ul Gen_24:4\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But thou shalt go unto \b my country\b0 , and to \b my kindred\b0 , and take \b a wife\b0 unto \b my son\b0 Isaac.\rdblquote This was not the conviction of Lot.\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\caps dwelt in a cave\caps0 :\b0 \cf1\ul Gen_19:30\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And Lot went up out of Zoar, ... for he \b feared\b0 to dwell in Zoar: and he \b dwelt in a cave\b0 , he and his two daughters.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gen_13:5\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And Lot ... had \b flocks\b0 , and \b herds\b0 , and \b tents\b0 .\rdblquote After leaving Sodom Lot was poor and afraid and living in a dark cave in the earth. Why didn\rquote t he try to find Abraham and get some help.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b\scaps TESTIMONY OF LOT\rquote S WIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0\scaps0 Lot\rquote s wife is a witness of those who are saved but\b not just\b0 \b\scaps and\scaps0 not living by faith\b0 . In the process of leaving Sodom Lot\rquote s wife probably was thinking of her daughters and sons-in-law still in Sodom. Her family may have been still living there. This may have been what caused her to look back toward Sodom. \cf1\ul Gen_19:26\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But \b his wife looked back\b0 from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.\rdblquote Lot\rquote s wife lost her life for looking back and we are not to forget that judgment. \cf1\ul Luk_17:32-33\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote\b Remember Lot\rquote s wife\b0 . \par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\tx720\tLVALx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\i 33. \i0 Whosoever shall \b seek to save his life\b0 \b shall lose it\b0 ; and whosoever shall \b lose his life\b0 shall preserve it.\rdblquote Remember who is to takes priority in our lives, the Lord.\b \cf1\ul\b0 Mat_10:37-39\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote He that ... loveth son or daughter \b more than me \b0 is \b\scaps not worthy of me\b0\scaps0 .\i 38. \i0 And he that taketh not \b his cross\b0 , and followeth after me, is \b\scaps not worthy of me\b0\scaps0 .\i 39. \i0 He that \b findeth his life\b0 shall lose it: and he that \b loseth his life\b0 for my sake shall find it.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Luk_14:26-27\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote If any \i man \i0 come to me, and hate not his ... children, ..., yea, and his own life also, \b he cannot be my disciple\b0 .\i 27. \i0 And whosoever doth not bear \b his cross\b0 , and come after me, \b cannot be my disciple\b0 .\rdblquote Lot\rquote s wife is picture of those who are saved but never die to self and become committed disciples of the Lord. The Holy Spirit associated all these verses about dying to self and discipleship to the judgment of Lot\rquote s wife. \cf1\ul Luk_9:62\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... Jesus said ..., No man, having put his hand to the plow,\b \b0 and\b looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God\b0 .\rdblquote (Fit for positions of honor.) Lot\rquote s wife is not named. \cf1\ul Rev_3:5\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote He that \b overcometh\b0 , the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will \b not blot out his name\b0 out of the book of life, but\b I will confess his name\b0 before my Father, and before his angels.\rdblquote The name of Lot\rquote s wife was not confessed anywhere in the Word of God. She is an example of the many believers that do not live victorious lives in the Lord, and are willing to live with defiled garments. \cf1\ul Rev_3:4\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...\b\scaps few\b0 \scaps0 names ... in Sardis which have \b not defiled their garments\b0 ; and they shall walk with me in wLVALhite: for \b\scaps they are worthy\b0\scaps0 .\rdblquote The no namers are the \b many \b0 that are saved who do not care if their garments are dirty. \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b\scaps TESTIMONY OF LOT\rquote S DAUGHTERS\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0\scaps0 Lot\rquote s two daughters were saved as well as their mother because they escaped the judgment of Sodom. Lot\rquote s daughters were also nameless just as their mother. Lot and his family lived among the Canaanites and they were influenced by their \ldblquote Doings.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Lev_18:7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote The \b nakedness of thy father\b0 ,..\b shalt thou not uncover \b0 ...\rdblquote \cf1\ul Lev_18:3\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ..after the \b doings\b0 of the land of \b Canaan ...\rdblquote \cf1\ul\b0 Lev_18:24-25\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: ... the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it...\rdblquote Lot\rquote s two daughters defiled themselves with the \ldblquote doings of the land of Canaan\rdblquote because the uncovered the nakedness of their father. \cf1\ul Gen_19:36\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote Thus \b were both\b0 the daughters of Lot \b with child by their father\b0 .\rdblquote Because of the sins of Lot and his family, his heirs were given a double portion outside the land flowing with milk and honey.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b TESTIMONY OF ABRAHAM\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 Many do not consider that Abraham lived in the days of Lot. Abraham was contemporary with Lot. \cf1\ul Heb_11:8-10\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote By\b faith Abraham\b0 , when he was called... \b obeyed\b0 .... \i 9.\i0 \b By faith\b0 he \b sojourned\b0 in the land of promise, as \i in \i0 a strange country\b , dwelling in tabernacles\b0 ...\rdblquote \i 10.\i0 For \b he looked for a city\b0 which hath foundations, \b whose builder\b0 and maker \i is\b \i0 God\bLVAL0 .\rdblquote Abraham was seeking fellowship with the Lord. \cf1\ul Gen_12:7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And the\b LORD appeared unto Abram\b0 , and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: \b and there builded he an altar\b0 unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.\rdblquote This was the last time that the Lord spake to Abraham until he separated himself from Lot\b . \cf1\ul\b0 Gen_13:14\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And \b the LORD said \b0 unto Abram, \b\scaps after\b0\scaps0 \b that Lot was separated from him\b0 ...\rdblquote Abraham removed himself further from Lot in \b Genesis 13:18 \ldblquote Then Abram removed \i his \i0 tent\b0 , ...and dwelt in the plain of \b Mamre\b0 ... \b and built there an altar\b0 unto the LORD.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gen_15:1\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ..the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I \i am \i0 thy shield, \i and \i0 thy exceeding great reward. \b\rdblquote\cf1\ul\b0 Gen_18:1\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote ... the LORD appeared unto him...: and he sat in the \b tent door\b0 ..\rdblquote Abraham was a man of prayer. \cf1\ul Gen_18:22\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... Abraham \b stood\b0 yet \b before\b0 the LORD.\rdblquote\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b INSIGHT\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 There may be times when those who are living by faith need to separate themselves from those who are saved but not living by faith. \cf1\ul 2Co_6:14-15\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Be ye not unequally yoked together with \b unbelievers\b0 [\f1\fs26 apistov\b\f0\fs24 , not of faith\b0 ] (\i this is not just the lost but those who are not pleasing God by faith\i0 ):...\i 15....\i0 what\b part\b0 hath he that \b believeth \b0 [\f1\fs26 pistov\f0\fs24 ,\b of faith\b0 ]with an \b infidel\b0 [\f1\fs26 apistov\f0\fs24 ,\b not of faith\b0 ]?\rdblquote It seems as if Lot had made shipwreck of the faith. In the last days lawlessness will abound effecting the lost as well as the saved. Paul warned Timothy LVAL\cf1\ul 1Ti_4:1\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote the latter times some shall \b depart from the faith\b0 ...\rdblquote \cf1\ul 1Ti_1:19-20\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote Holding faith... a good conscience; which some having put away \b concerning faith\b0 have made \b shipwreck; \b0\i 20.\i0 Of whom is \b Hymenaeus\b0 ..\rdblquote\b \cf1\ul\b0 2Ti_2:16-17\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote But \b shun\b0 profane \i and \i0 vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.\i 17. \i0 And \b their word will eat as doth a canker\b0 : of whom is \b Hymenaeus\b0 ...\rdblquote Having fellowship with those who have made shipwreck of the faith can cause you to become ungodly and to make shipwreck of the faith also. \cf1\ul Gen_18:2-3\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And he lift up his eyes and looked, ..., three men stood by him: ....\i \i0 he ran to meet \b them from the tent door\b0 ,..\i 3. ..\i0 Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away,...\rdblquote Lot is a type of those in the church of Laodicea was \ldblquote lukewarm\rdblquote and had \ldblquote need of nothing\rdblquote and the \ldblquote shame of their nakedness appeared\rdblquote . The Lord was not able to have fellowship with Lot nor those in the church of Laodicea so He said in \cf1\ul Rev_3:20\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.\rdblquote The door is where the blood is applied to our walk with the Lord. \cf1\ul Exo_12:7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And they shall take of \b the blood\b0 , and strike \i it \i0 on the two side posts and on the upper\b door\b0 post of the houses...\rdblquote \cf1\ul 1Jo_1:7\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote But if we \b walk in the light\b0 , as he is in the light, we \b have fellowship\b0 one with another, and the \b blood\b0 of Jesus Christ his Son \b cleanseth\b0 us from all sin.\rdblquote We need to follow the example of Abraham and stay under the blood. We nee LVAL d to be walking in the light of His word to maintain our fellowship with the Lord. \cf1\ul Mat_26:41\cf0\ulnone \b\ldblquote Watch and pray, \b0 that ye enter not into temptation:... the flesh \i is \i0 weak.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Mar_13:33\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... \b watch and pray: \b0 for ye know not when the time is.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gal_6:10\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote As we have... opportunity\b , let us do good\b0 unto all \i men, \b\i0 especially unto them who are of the household of faith\b0 .\rdblquote \cf1\ul 2Co_13:5\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote\b Examine \b0 yourselves, \b whether ye be in the faith\b0 ; prove your own selves... except ye be reprobates [\ul disapproved\ulnone ]?\rdblquote\par \pard\cf2\f2\fs23\par \fs23\par } LVALH!{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Koine;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Georgia;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\stylesheet{ Normal;}{\s1 heading 1;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\lang1033\b\f0\fs32 DAYS OF LOT\b0\fs24\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\qc\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\fs20 By John W. White\b\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\fs24 THE LAST DAYS\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 We are living in the last days. \cf1\ul Mat_24:5-7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote For many shall come in my name, saying, \b I am Christ\b0 ; and shall deceive many.\i 6. \i0 And \b ye shall hear of wars\b0 and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all \i these things \i0 must come to pass, but the end is not yet.\i 7. \i0 For \b nation\b0 shall rise \b against nation\b0 , and \b kingdom against kingdom\b0 : and there shall be \b famines\b0 , and \b pestilences\b0 , and \b earthquakes\b0 , in divers places.\rdblquote As we see the end of this age coming to a close and the Lord\rquote s coming is at hand, we need to \cf1\ul Mar_13:33\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote Take ye heed, \b watch and pray: \b0 for ye know not when the time is.\rdblquote As it was in the days of Noah and Lot so shall it be at the end of this age. \cf1\ul Luk_17:28-29\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Likewise \b also as it was in the days of Lot\b0 ; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;\i 29. \i0 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed \i them \i0 all.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Mat_24:37-38\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote\b But as the days of Noe\b0 \i were, \i0 so shall also \b\scaps the coming\b0\scaps0 of the Son of man be.\i 38. \i0 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that NLVAL"oe entered into the ark,\rdblquote\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b DAYS OF NOAH AND LOT\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\caps noah\scaps\caps0 : \cf1\ul\b0\scaps0 Gen_6:5\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... the \b wickedness\b0 of man \i was \b\i0 great\b0 in the earth, ...\i \i0 every\b imagination\b0 of the thoughts of his heart \i was \i0 only \b evil continually\b0 .\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gen_6:11\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote The earth also was \b corrupt\b0 before God, and the earth was \b filled with violence\b0 .\rdblquote \par \b\caps lot\caps0 : \cf1\ul\b0 Gen_13:13\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But the \b men of Sodom\b0 \i were \i0 wicked and \b sinners before the LORD exceedingly\b0 .\rdblquote \b Genesis 18:20 \b0 \ldblquote And the LORD said, Because the cry of\b Sodom and Gomorrah\b0 is great, and because \b their sin is very grievous\b0 .\rdblquote The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah is described in more detail in\b \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_2:10\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote But chiefly them that \b walk\b0 \b after\b0 the \b flesh\b0 in the \b lust of uncleanness\b0 , and \b despise government \b0 [the authority that has been ordained by God]. \b Presumptuous\b0 [lawlessness] \i are they, \b\i0 self-willed\b0 [self-pleasing, i.e. arrogant], they are not \b afraid to speak evil of dignities.\rdblquote \cf1\ul\b0 2Pe_2:14\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Having \b eyes full of adultery\b0 , and that \b cannot cease from sin\b0 ; \b beguiling unstable\b0 souls: an heart they have exercised \b with covetous practices\b0 ; cursed children:\rdblquote The men of Sodom and Gomorrah were totally consumed with sexual sins. They were so bold as to seek to have sex with angels. \cf1\ul Jud_1:7-8\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Even as\b Sodom\b0 and \b Gomorrah\b0 , and the cities about them in like manner\b , giving themselves over\b0 to\b fornication\b0 , and going after \b strange flesh \b0 [angels], are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.\i 8.LVAL# \i0 Likewise also these\b \i filthy \i0 dreamers\b0 defile the flesh, \b despise dominion\b0 , and \b speak evil of dignities\b0 .\rdblquote \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b TESTIMONY OF LOT\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 Lot is a witness of those who are just but who are not living by faith. Lot\rquote s name is not found in faith\rquote s hall of fame Hebrews 11. \cf1\ul 2Pe_2:7-9\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And delivered\b just\b0 [\f1\fs26 dikaiov\f0\fs24 , just, meet, right]\b Lot\b0 , \b vexed\b0 with the filthy conversation of the wicked:\i 8. \i0 (For that righteous [\ul\f1\fs26 dikaiov\ulnone\f0\fs24 ] man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, \b vexed\b0 \i his \i0 righteous soul from day to day with \i their\b \i0 unlawful\b0 \b deeds\b0 ;)\i 9. \i0 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the \b godly\b0 out of temptations, and to reserve the \b unjust\b0 unto the day of judgment to be punished.\rdblquote \par \b\par \cf1\ul\b0 Gen_12:8\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...he [Abram] \b builded an altar\b0 unto the LORD, and called upon the name of the LORD.\rdblquote\par \cf1\ul Gen_19:1\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...Lot sat in the\b gate\b0 of Sodom...\rdblquote\par \cf1\ul Gen_19:15\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... hastened Lot, ... take thy \b wife\b0 ....\rdblquote \par \cf1\ul Gen_19:30\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And Lot .. \b dwelt in a cave\b0 ....\rdblquote\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\caps just\scaps\caps0 :\b0\scaps0 Zacharias and Elisabeth were \b just\b0 . \cf1\ul Luk_1:6\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And they were both \b righteous\b0 [\ul\f1 dikaiov\ulnone\f0 ] before God, \b walking in all the commandments\b0 and \b ordinances of the Lord blameless\b0 .\rdblquote\b \cf1\ul\b0 Mat_5:41\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.\rdblquote Just Lot was willing to go one mile but not two miles. To be just is to do that which is our duty to do and to beLVAL$ judged an unprofitable servant willing to do only what is required. \cf1\ul Luk_17:10\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote So likewise ye, when ye shall have \b done all\b0 those things which \b are commanded\b0 you, \b say\b0 , We are \b unprofitable servants\b0 : we have \b done\b0 that which was \b our duty to do\b0 .\rdblquote\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\caps godly\caps0 : \b0 [\ul to revere, adore :\b devout\b0 , religious, worship\ulnone ] An example of a godly man is in \cf1\ul Act_10:1\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote\i A \i0 devout [\ul godly\ulnone ] \i man,\i0 [\ul Cornelius\ulnone ]\i \i0 and one that \b feared God\b0 with all his house, which \b gave much alms\b0 to the people, and \b prayed to God\b0 alway.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Act_10:22\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And they said, Cornelius the centurion, \b a just man\b0 , and one that \b feareth God\b0 ,...\rdblquote \cf1\ul Act_10:4\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...Thy \b prayers \b0 and thine \b alms\b0 are come up for \b a memorial before God\b0 .\rdblquote Contrary to the teaching of many, Cornelius was already a saved man according to \cf1\ul Isa_56:6-7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant;\i 7. \i0 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain...\rdblquote\par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\caps vexed\scaps\caps0 :\b0 \scaps0 [\ul\f1\fs26 basanizw\f0\fs24 : pain, toil, torment, toss\ulnone ] The sins of Sodom and Gomorrah greatly troubled Lot. \par \b\caps builded an altar\scaps\caps0 :\scaps0 \b0 Lot did not have a witness of building altars or calling upon the Lord. Lot is an example of a me too believer. Initiative in spiritual things was missing.\par \b\caps gate\scaps\caps0 :\scaps0 \b0 Lot was into the\b politics\b0 of the city of Sodom. \cf1\ul Mar_4:19\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And LVAL%the \b cares of this world\b0 , and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, \b choke\b0 the word, and it becometh unfruitful.\rdblquote\par \b\caps wife\caps0 :\b0 There is no mention of Lot\rquote s wife until in \cf1\ul Gen_19:15\cf0\ulnone . Apparently \b Lot took his wife\b0 from one of the cities of the plains, possibly Sodom. Abraham made it clear that Isaac was to have a wife from among his own people. \cf1\ul Gen_24:4\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But thou shalt go unto \b my country\b0 , and to \b my kindred\b0 , and take \b a wife\b0 unto \b my son\b0 Isaac.\rdblquote This was not the conviction of Lot.\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\b\caps dwelt in a cave\caps0 :\b0 \cf1\ul Gen_19:30\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And Lot went up out of Zoar, ... for he \b feared\b0 to dwell in Zoar: and he \b dwelt in a cave\b0 , he and his two daughters.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gen_13:5\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And Lot ... had \b flocks\b0 , and \b herds\b0 , and \b tents\b0 .\rdblquote After leaving Sodom Lot was poor and afraid and living in a dark cave in the earth. Why didn\rquote t he try to find Abraham and get some help.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b\scaps TESTIMONY OF LOT\rquote S WIFE\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0\scaps0 Lot\rquote s wife is a witness of those who are saved but\b not just\b0 \b\scaps and\scaps0 not living by faith\b0 . In the process of leaving Sodom Lot\rquote s wife probably was thinking of her daughters and sons-in-law still in Sodom. Her family may have been still living there. This may have been what caused her to look back toward Sodom. \cf1\ul Gen_19:26\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote But \b his wife looked back\b0 from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.\rdblquote Lot\rquote s wife lost her life for looking back and we are not to forget that judgment. \cf1\ul Luk_17:32-33\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote\b Remember Lot\rquote s wife\b0 . \par \pard\nowidctlpar\sb60\tx720\tLVAL&x1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\i 33. \i0 Whosoever shall \b seek to save his life\b0 \b shall lose it\b0 ; and whosoever shall \b lose his life\b0 shall preserve it.\rdblquote Remember who is to takes priority in our lives, the Lord.\b \cf1\ul\b0 Mat_10:37-39\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote He that ... loveth son or daughter \b more than me \b0 is \b\scaps not worthy of me\b0\scaps0 .\i 38. \i0 And he that taketh not \b his cross\b0 , and followeth after me, is \b\scaps not worthy of me\b0\scaps0 .\i 39. \i0 He that \b findeth his life\b0 shall lose it: and he that \b loseth his life\b0 for my sake shall find it.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Luk_14:26-27\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote If any \i man \i0 come to me, and hate not his ... children, ..., yea, and his own life also, \b he cannot be my disciple\b0 .\i 27. \i0 And whosoever doth not bear \b his cross\b0 , and come after me, \b cannot be my disciple\b0 .\rdblquote Lot\rquote s wife is picture of those who are saved but never die to self and become committed disciples of the Lord. The Holy Spirit associated all these verses about dying to self and discipleship to the judgment of Lot\rquote s wife. \cf1\ul Luk_9:62\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... Jesus said ..., No man, having put his hand to the plow,\b \b0 and\b looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God\b0 .\rdblquote (Fit for positions of honor.) Lot\rquote s wife is not named. \cf1\ul Rev_3:5\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote He that \b overcometh\b0 , the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will \b not blot out his name\b0 out of the book of life, but\b I will confess his name\b0 before my Father, and before his angels.\rdblquote The name of Lot\rquote s wife was not confessed anywhere in the Word of God. She is an example of the many believers that do not live victorious lives in the Lord, and are willing to live with defiled garments. \cf1\ul Rev_3:4\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...\b\scaps few\b0 \scaps0 names ... in Sardis which have \b not defiled their garments\b0 ; and they shall walk with me in wLVAL'hite: for \b\scaps they are worthy\b0\scaps0 .\rdblquote The no namers are the \b many \b0 that are saved who do not care if their garments are dirty. \par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b\scaps TESTIMONY OF LOT\rquote S DAUGHTERS\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0\scaps0 Lot\rquote s two daughters were saved as well as their mother because they escaped the judgment of Sodom. Lot\rquote s daughters were also nameless just as their mother. Lot and his family lived among the Canaanites and they were influenced by their \ldblquote Doings.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Lev_18:7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote The \b nakedness of thy father\b0 ,..\b shalt thou not uncover \b0 ...\rdblquote \cf1\ul Lev_18:3\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ..after the \b doings\b0 of the land of \b Canaan ...\rdblquote \cf1\ul\b0 Lev_18:24-25\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: ... the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it...\rdblquote Lot\rquote s two daughters defiled themselves with the \ldblquote doings of the land of Canaan\rdblquote because the uncovered the nakedness of their father. \cf1\ul Gen_19:36\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote Thus \b were both\b0 the daughters of Lot \b with child by their father\b0 .\rdblquote Because of the sins of Lot and his family, his heirs were given a double portion outside the land flowing with milk and honey.\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b TESTIMONY OF ABRAHAM\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 Many do not consider that Abraham lived in the days of Lot. Abraham was contemporary with Lot. \cf1\ul Heb_11:8-10\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote By\b faith Abraham\b0 , when he was called... \b obeyed\b0 .... \i 9.\i0 \b By faith\b0 he \b sojourned\b0 in the land of promise, as \i in \i0 a strange country\b , dwelling in tabernacles\b0 ...\rdblquote \i 10.\i0 For \b he looked for a city\b0 which hath foundations, \b whose builder\b0 and maker \i is\b \i0 God\bLVAL(0 .\rdblquote Abraham was seeking fellowship with the Lord. \cf1\ul Gen_12:7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And the\b LORD appeared unto Abram\b0 , and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: \b and there builded he an altar\b0 unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.\rdblquote This was the last time that the Lord spake to Abraham until he separated himself from Lot\b . \cf1\ul\b0 Gen_13:14\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And \b the LORD said \b0 unto Abram, \b\scaps after\b0\scaps0 \b that Lot was separated from him\b0 ...\rdblquote Abraham removed himself further from Lot in \b Genesis 13:18 \ldblquote Then Abram removed \i his \i0 tent\b0 , ...and dwelt in the plain of \b Mamre\b0 ... \b and built there an altar\b0 unto the LORD.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gen_15:1\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ..the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I \i am \i0 thy shield, \i and \i0 thy exceeding great reward. \b\rdblquote\cf1\ul\b0 Gen_18:1\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote ... the LORD appeared unto him...: and he sat in the \b tent door\b0 ..\rdblquote Abraham was a man of prayer. \cf1\ul Gen_18:22\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... Abraham \b stood\b0 yet \b before\b0 the LORD.\rdblquote\par \pard\keepn\s1\sb240\sa60\qc\kerning28\b INSIGHT\par \pard\nowidctlpar\tx720\tx1440\tx2880\tx4320\tx5760\kerning0\b0 There may be times when those who are living by faith need to separate themselves from those who are saved but not living by faith. \cf1\ul 2Co_6:14-15\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote Be ye not unequally yoked together with \b unbelievers\b0 [\f1\fs26 apistov\b\f0\fs24 , not of faith\b0 ] (\i this is not just the lost but those who are not pleasing God by faith\i0 ):...\i 15....\i0 what\b part\b0 hath he that \b believeth \b0 [\f1\fs26 pistov\f0\fs24 ,\b of faith\b0 ]with an \b infidel\b0 [\f1\fs26 apistov\f0\fs24 ,\b not of faith\b0 ]?\rdblquote It seems as if Lot had made shipwreck of the faith. In the last days lawlessness will abound effecting the lost as well as the saved. Paul warned Timothy LVAL)\cf1\ul 1Ti_4:1\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote the latter times some shall \b depart from the faith\b0 ...\rdblquote \cf1\ul 1Ti_1:19-20\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote Holding faith... a good conscience; which some having put away \b concerning faith\b0 have made \b shipwreck; \b0\i 20.\i0 Of whom is \b Hymenaeus\b0 ..\rdblquote\b \cf1\ul\b0 2Ti_2:16-17\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote But \b shun\b0 profane \i and \i0 vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.\i 17. \i0 And \b their word will eat as doth a canker\b0 : of whom is \b Hymenaeus\b0 ...\rdblquote Having fellowship with those who have made shipwreck of the faith can cause you to become ungodly and to make shipwreck of the faith also. \cf1\ul Gen_18:2-3\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And he lift up his eyes and looked, ..., three men stood by him: ....\i \i0 he ran to meet \b them from the tent door\b0 ,..\i 3. ..\i0 Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away,...\rdblquote Lot is a type of those in the church of Laodicea was \ldblquote lukewarm\rdblquote and had \ldblquote need of nothing\rdblquote and the \ldblquote shame of their nakedness appeared\rdblquote . The Lord was not able to have fellowship with Lot nor those in the church of Laodicea so He said in \cf1\ul Rev_3:20\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ...I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.\rdblquote The door is where the blood is applied to our walk with the Lord. \cf1\ul Exo_12:7\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote And they shall take of \b the blood\b0 , and strike \i it \i0 on the two side posts and on the upper\b door\b0 post of the houses...\rdblquote \cf1\ul 1Jo_1:7\cf0\ulnone\b \b0 \ldblquote But if we \b walk in the light\b0 , as he is in the light, we \b have fellowship\b0 one with another, and the \b blood\b0 of Jesus Christ his Son \b cleanseth\b0 us from all sin.\rdblquote We need to follow the example of Abraham and stay under the blood. We nee LVAL d to be walking in the light of His word to maintain our fellowship with the Lord. \cf1\ul Mat_26:41\cf0\ulnone \b\ldblquote Watch and pray, \b0 that ye enter not into temptation:... the flesh \i is \i0 weak.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Mar_13:33\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote ... \b watch and pray: \b0 for ye know not when the time is.\rdblquote \cf1\ul Gal_6:10\cf0\ulnone \ldblquote As we have... opportunity\b , let us do good\b0 unto all \i men, \b\i0 especially unto them who are of the household of faith\b0 .\rdblquote \cf1\ul 2Co_13:5\cf0\ulnone\b \b0\ldblquote\b Examine \b0 yourselves, \b whether ye be in the faith\b0 ; prove your own selves... except ye be reprobates [\ul disapproved\ulnone ]?\rdblquote\par \pard\cf2\f2\fs23\par \fs23\par }